Remembering the past...

Publié le 9 Décembre 2015

Remembering the past...

It's been more than a year. People might think I went AWOL.

I stopped going online. Instead I went out and discovered some cute little village in the west of France, I went mushroom picking,or more like, I walked with mushroom pickers, trying to learn from them.

Then I was back at work, being all professional and trying to organize myself to this new timetable, deciding which topic I should deal with when a woman whose name I forgot asked me,if I wanted to pay €20 for an attraction park.

It was raining like hell on the way there. I was hoping it would stop but it didn't. and I had no umbrella or raincoat. I got off the bus, put my hoody on and started to make my way through the rain and crowd. We entered a small arena, and sat on wet benches. In front of us was a massive forteress wall, and a gate on the right. We were all cold and drenched but we just sat there waiting.

And then it all started, a medieval-like girl appeared out of nowhere telling a story of invasion, men with horses galoping everywhere. People trying to reach the top the wall with ropes & ladders, some of them falling off, some fighting on a duel, and some others shooting arrows at the enemy when all of the sudden, the forteress was gone, a cloud of dust filled the arena, the girl was still telling her story, there were medieval people running, fighting with swords,men falling off their horses & screaming, trees on fire, a huge cloud came and blinded us for a moment, and then a big castle stood there, there was thunder and lightning, and an impressive blast of fire came out of the castle's door. The heat came all the way to us, almost burning our faces. I didn't care about the rain anymore.

By the time the sun came back we were in another arena, where eagles and vultures of all sorts started to fly above our heads, some almost grabbing us with their claws. Ten of them, hundreds of them, going in all directions, stopping among the crowd. I never thought I would be impressed by birds. I never thought i would( almost) be scared by one of the biggest vulture i had ever seen. With its open wings ready to fly, it was like death coming to get you.

Late that night,we got in the bus to go back home, but my mind was still there; seeing vickings on their boats, being transported in a WWI trench, with the sound of guns and suffocating with dust. My mind was still there with those eagles and knights, I was still there in this small & cute medieval village,where time had stopped. I was still there and yet here, back to reality, back home. It was 3 in the morning and I needed some sleep.

Remembering the past...
Remembering the past...

Rédigé par Melle Para

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