Article publié depuis Overblog

Publié le 12 Juin 2014

The past few months went too quickly. Time flew so fast I barely had time to realize it.

I worked extra at the school and tutored in the evening. On my free days I would go to a very nice park near my place and would jog with my friends. I would meet up with them during the weekend.

Sometimes I went to Karaoke nights in a pub and listened to people singing beautifully ( & drunk people singing along) Never seen a karaoke like this before. It was really cool. I will miss the atmosphere.

I travelled to many cities accross England ( too many to mention all of them )

I travelled to Nottingham where I walked along the cutest canal I've seen so far. I travelled to Bakewell where the swans would fly for us, to Liverpool where the sun would set on the sea, to Leeds where the sun burned my shoulders while we chatted for hours.

I enjoyed the sun ( when it was out ) and absorbed as much as I could.Just like a solar panel recharging my batteries. ( I do need the sun to live )

I went to a few barbecues and enjoyed good German/Spanish/Chinese/Japanese food. (There were probably other nationalities but I can't remember them all)

I would also go play the pool in another pub with the others, It was good fun ( but I still need practice to win )

I also met new people and began to speak Spanish for some time ( & no my Spanish is not good )

Then I had to say goodbye to the school.

I had to say goodbye to my colleagues and the students.

I had to say goodbye to my friends.

The countdown has started for me.

I have to say goodbye to Sheffield.



Rédigé par Melle Para

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